Partner with us to win and disciple more souls

More than ever, people need a place where they can turn for truth in a dark, deceptive and draining world... By God's grace, Deliberate Christian provides that.

Support us

Every amount makes a difference.

As a religious community, we need partners to support our cause to help us continue to provide:

Partnership account details

Account Name- Deliberate Christian 
Bank – Palm Pay
Account Number – 8900825129

Dunmininu Makoyawo
Bank – Guaranty Trust Bank
Account Number – 0680723764

Our Impact:

Want to know how your donation will make a difference? Every day, we receive messages like these about how God is using Deliberate Christian to  impact—and transform—lives :

“This is eye opening. A Christian’s walk of faith starts with meditating on God’s word day and night. Without doing this, they will struggle with living a righteous life. May the good Lord help all deliberate christians by giving us the grace and strength to study his word daily in other to live a righteous life. Amen.”


“I am grateful for this prayer, it is needed at this time, with everything happening around the world, we need reassurance at this time that it is only God that can give us peace which the world cannot give.”
Thank you ma,I am blessed by these prayer.

Olaitan Yusuf

“Peace of God is important and this prayer covered all aspects that I need peace of God. His peace is sure and eternal, I rest in his peace.”

Odunayo Olowoyo

“God gives true rest, the kind of rest that we should all desire. I ask for the grace to be obedient to his words and to dwell in his presence so I can enjoy his full rest. I pray that the hearts of men be drawn to God so everyone can truly enjoy the rest that God gives, that the world cannot give in Jesus name.”


Support us

Our mission is to provide empowering Christian content that stir and transform men to be like Christ

We spread the message of salvation and spiritual growth through our online community and outreaches.

We need your support to be the hands, feet and mouth of Jesus in a world that is desperately in need of the love of Christ.

You can choose to give a one time donation or partner with us to give on a monthly, quarterly or yearly basis.

God loves a cheerful giver. GOD BLESS YOU AS YOU DO.

Please fill the form below for us to say a well deserved thank you for your generosity.

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