4 questions to ask yourself just before you give up - February, 2025


You have done all you can. Yes, I know. Ask yourself these 4 questions just before you give up. The challenges of life hit all of us at different times with varying levels of intensity. Our reaction or response to challenges is a function of our source of help.

4 questions to ask yourself just before you give up

  • Who do you contact first when you are in pain or trouble?
  • Where does your heart travel to each time you are faced with challenges?
  • Who is your number-one point of contact?
  • When all hell breaks lose who do you turn to?

If your answer to any of these questions is anyone else asides God, you have been trusting in man.


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and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.

Psalm 50:15

Why do many believers give up?

Many believers give up because many of us trust humans more than we trust God. If humans are your hope in times of trouble, it means God is not your priority. Oh what needless pain we pain all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer. Anytime you are faced with challenges your first point of contact should be God and no one else. God asks us to call upon him in our day of trouble with a strong promise to deliver us.

man in white dress shirt covering face with his hands
  • Are you in trouble, are you in danger?
  • Are lost and alone
  • Are you heartbroken and disappointed?

God says call upon me in the Day of trouble and I will deliver you. Not an angel. God didn’t say he would send the archangel Michael. God didn’t say I will send Gabriel. God said I will deliver you. God will personally take responsibility for your deliverance. It is unfortunate that many believers do not even remember God when they are in crisis. They look for quick fixes and they seek help outside of Zion. Meanwhile, Psalm 16:4 says “Those who run after other gods will suffer more and more…

Where a believer should seek help when in trouble

There are many sources that pose as help in times of trouble but they are not the true sources of help. When a believer is in trouble, they should not seek help from unreliable sources. Only God is reliable. A believer must be assured that God is the sure source of help that cannot fail if we call him. If he says we should call him, then it means he will answer us. If God will not answer us he will not ask us to call on him.

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.

Psalm 121:1-2

Our help cannot come from anywhere than from the Lord. If God does not help an individual, no one will help him or her. Stop looking to people. Stop trusting in humans. Stop looking at your own resources. Stop looking at what you can do in your power because you have a God who is larger than challenges – a God who is Alpha and Omega. The strength of humans is limited, but God is unlimited. Humans can fail but God cannot fail. Always learn to call on God in every situation you find yourself in.

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know

Jeremiah 33:3

 God commands us to call on him and he will answer. He also promises to show us great and mighty things which we do not know. As a matter of fact, those we run to for help need help too. You can only receive help from people that God has sent to help you. If God does not help you, no one will. If we know this truth, we won’t contact people before we contact God for help.

Why you should call on God to help you Now?

Behold I am the God of all flesh is anything too hard for me to do?

Jeremiah 32:27

If you believe there is nothing too difficult for God, your faith will be stirred up to call on him in every situation of life. No matter how difficult the situation you are passing through. Never leave God out. Call upon Him. Can you look back and see the blessings of God all through your lifetime? We can all identify the supernatural hand of God in our lives as we prayed and he answered. You can look back in your life and give the testimony – God answers prayers.

Look at the times in your life when God has made a way for you where there seemed to be no way. Look at the times when your back was against the wall and all you had to stand on was your faith in Jesus and God came through for you. Look back in your life when you didn’t know how you were going to pay your bills and God made a way for you. Look back in your life when your health deteriorated but God healed you. Don’t forget the things God has done for you. Close your eyes if you need to, and roll back the curtains in your mind and retrace God’s hand in your life. Were you ever healed from an ailment by God? Or you may have prayed for a loved one and saw God’s miraculous power to heal that person. Maybe it was that job interview that you didn’t do well in, yet you got the job because of the favour of God. Or that exam you were sure you failed but God came through for you. I’m sure if you put on your faith glasses and look back on life, you will see there were many instances that God was working for you and you weren’t even aware of it.

Don’t give up, ask God to help you

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and yeshall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you

Matthew 7:7

Asking precedes receiving, seeking precedes finding. What many believers do is murmur against God in times of trouble. But that is not what God commands us to do. Don’t complain, when we are in trouble, we are to call upon God and not murmur against him. If we could convert our murmuring moments to prayer moments their troubles could have been a springboard to great miracles. The red sea didn’t part until Moses called upon God. The prison didn’t open until midnight when Paul and Silas began to pray and sing to God. Dont keep quiet over your problems call upon God today

The Deliberate Christian Prayer Chain is the Deliberate Christian community’s spiritual gymnasium where we train for Christ fitness on a truth diet under the tutelage of the Holyspirit. Join us to learn to study the word, pray and live a Christ-glorifying life.

If there are people who pray, there is a God who answers. When 3 mighty nations rose against Judah Jehoshaphat called upon God for help. He knew his strength will fail in such a battle. According to Psalm 20:7 although some trust in Chariots and some in horses we must continue to call upon the name of the Lord. King Jehoshaphat remembered the name of the Lord God of heaven and he came to his rescue and took over their battle. Your battle becomes the battle of God when you pray. But when you fail to call upon God, the battle remains your battle. Prayer brings God into the situations of your life. Calling on God in the midst of the storms of life means that you trust and depend on him for help.

But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” 31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

Matthew 14:30-31

Many believers have the experience of Peter, their finances are sinking, their marriages are sinking their health is sinking and their faith in God is sinking. Peter didn’t keep quiet. He cried out to the Lord for help. It was surprising that Jesus did not help Peter until he cried out for help. Today cry out for help don’t give up because the situation is beyond your strength. Call upon God in your time of trouble and he will deliver you.

Prayer: Lord help me not to give up

Lord Jesus thank you for your unquantifiable sacrifice for me. Thank you for the countless help I have received even without asking. Forgive me Lord for trusting in my effort and the help of others. Forgive me for putting others first before you. Help me to look up to you in good and bad times. Help to be assured of your willingness and ability to help me. In my hopelessness, send me help and do not let my current challenges drown me. Thank you because you are my ever-present help in times of need. i receive your help by faith in Jesus name. Amen

Are you encouraged? God will surely come through to help me. Visit our Prayer Bank for more prayers on diverse issues and if you would like us to pray for you, please contact us and we will gladly oblige.

Do drop us a comment on how impactful this post has been for you and remember to share with a friend who might also need this. God bless you.

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