Are you waiting right? - February, 2025

Are you waiting right? You have been waiting for God for a while I know a while is stating it lightly You have been waiting for God for years
It seems like God doesnt even know time is against you Sorry, it is not so It is because he is not subject to time'He tells time what to do and time obeys him He operates the time of life You operate the time off the clock That is why he only does things at the right time
It is like he cant hear what people are saying about you Sorry, it is not so He created the mouth and the ear He knows all that mouths can say and hears all, including unspokem words and thoughts He seems unmoved only because the gossip of men does not hinder his purpose for you
It seems like God cannot do what you are waiting on him for Sorry, it is not so It is because he is not stopping at what you are requesting He is doing exceeding abundantly more than all you have asked or thought According to the power at work in you Leave the doing to him He is at work Yours is to trust the power at work to do more
It appears like this is what your life will always be may be you should just resign to fate Just before you do Does dusk still change to dawn? Do seeds still grow to become fruits? Is all you have known life to be since childhood Still exactly the same? You cannot be the only creation that gets forgotten and abnadoned By a God who rules the affairs of men Even fate is controlled by him Who would you rather embrace? The master or his tool?
You know all these things but they dont work Hmm, on this one, I agree with you They dont work for everyone They only work for heirs True sons and daughters Who know their father who dont merely sit for him But wait on him
There is more to your life than this request As important as it is, It should not be a determinant of who your father is to you Will God do it? Yes, He is God If God doesnt do it Yes. He is still God Whether on the mountain or in the valley He will father you
Waiting is activity not passivity Waiting is not a bed Get up and work waiting is not death Take off your mourning clothes If you are waiting right Your strength will be renewed If you are waiting right You will be mounting up your wings like an eagle If you are waiting right You will be walking and not be weary If you are waiting right You will be running and not be faint
Start waiting right
You can’t be waiting for someone who doesn’t know you. To wait right, you need to accept the gift of salvation and thereafter become deliberate with your spiritual growth. Do not postpone it any further.
Are you from Nigeria, Ghana, USA, UK, Canada etc? This "Are you waiting right?" will help you learn, grow, and become a deliberate Christian before God.
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