Practical Ways of Overcoming Quiet Time Challenges Course - October, 2024

person sitting while reading book

To the glory of God alone, Cohort 3 of the Practical Ways of Overcoming Quiet Time Challenges Course completed its mentorship on Saturday, the 29th of  April 2023. It was nothing like the previous cohorts and I wasn’t surprised because God is so detailed to deal with the peculiarities of each participant and each cohort. It is an experience I am never fully prepared for, and trust me Holyghost adventures are life-transforming.

The highlights of Cohort 3 include:

30-day mentorship became 40 days of mentorship


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Instead of having a 30-day mentorship, we ended up having 40 days. The goal is never to run through the mentorship and complete it, it is always about following the lead of the Holyspirit and giving him room to do what only he can do, in the way he chooses to do it. It is God who works in us both to will and to do his good pleasures.

The unearthing of the root causes of inconsistencies

yellow and black heavy equipment on brown rocky hill under white cloudy sky during daytime

One thing I have come to know God does with each participant in different cohorts is that he digs up the hidden causes of inconsistencies. Most times, they are issues the participants never recognised as culprits for the inconsistencies they experienced.

Foiled attack

soldier walking on wooden pathway surrounded with barbwire selective focus photography

The Holyspirit was also miles ahead of the execution of the devil’s plans. He worked hard to ensure 2 of the participants wouldn’t complete the mentorship, but he failed because Christ prevailed. He launched emotional attacks but God put him where he belongs – under our feet.


religious concert performed by a band on stage

By God’s grace, testimonies have emerged. Participants received emotional healing, strengthening of their faith in God, and restoration of their Christ worth or dignity. The stronghold of the past was also broken and many testified to an increased zeal to seek God devotedly. Alas! There is no aspect of a Christian’s life that does not impart their devotion to God.

  • Are you one of those who is still making excuses for the inconsistencies in your devotion to God?  
  • Are you one of those postponing the day, hour, month and year you would partner with the Holyspirit to overcome the inconsistencies

Know this, the realities of salvation are mined in the place of consistent devotion to God. The best life you are living now with inconsistent devotion to God is nothing in comparison with God’s plans for you – eye has not seen, ears have not heard and it has not been conceived in the heart of man what God will do for those who love God. Your share awaits you.

Register for the Practical Ways of Overcoming Quiet Time Challenges Course. After the course, the 30-day mentorship will commence. The experience cannot be adequately captured in words, we rest in saying God is good to all participants.

You would learn

  • What Quiet Time is (it is not what you think it is)
  • The root causes of  the challenges you are facing with your devotion to God
  • How to know you and build your spiritual rhythm (no two people are exactly the same
  • How to achieve consistency by mastering your spiritual rhythm

The course is backed by 30 days of mentorship to help you put all you would learn to practice. The time to register is Now!

To learn more about the course visit our courses page

Are you from Nigeria, Ghana, USA, UK, Canada etc? This "Practical Ways of Overcoming Quiet Time Challenges Course" will help you learn, grow, and become a deliberate Christian before God.


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