10 Prayer Points to launch you into God’s rest - February, 2025

In a world full of chaos, pain, lack, disappointment, sorrow, loss and many more unpalatable things, the last thing many would believe, is that God truly gives peace and rest.
This notwithstanding, God’s word is settled in heaven and true on earth for as many as believe in him.
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Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. – Matthew 28:11
What is Rest?
Spiritual rest is not inactivity. It is a soulful state of calm and wholeness. It does not refer to a challenges-free life, it is rather an unexplainable and unsearchable mixture of hope, trust, faith, joy, grace and peace that makes present and future challenges weightless because of God’s finished work and unwavering faithfulness.
Why do we need Rest?
We need rest to harness our full potential as Children of God. Without rest, a Christian operates in their natural strength and they are prone to the defeat and hopelessness that the challenges of life produce.’
We need rest to come to an understanding of the faithfulness of God
Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you – Psalm 16:7
We need rest to access God’s power in Christ
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weakness, so that Christ’s power may rest on me – 2 Corinthians12:9 Get your day started with the word of God and prayers in the Deliberate Christian Devotional
Who can access God’s Rest?
All humans need rest but not everyone can access God’s rest. Physical rest which might be gotten from sleeping and other means of relaxation like games, hanging out with friends, watching movies, going on an adventure and so on can be accessed by anyone who makes a move to get them, but the God-kind of rest which is spiritual is reserved for children of God only.
There remains, then a Sabbath-rest for the people of God – Hebrews 4:9
How to access rest
The God kind of rest is not borne out of living in denial. It involves a candid recognition of what is at hand and a tangible appreciation of God’s manifold power and faithfulness.
For Christians, rest is cultivated and accessed by
Being in God’s presence
Where God’s presence is, there is rest. That is why it is counterproductive to abandon God’s presence when you are facing challenges.
Being in God’s presence should be a lifestyle for all Christians and we should all ensure that nothing separates us from his presence especially when we are dealing with issues that are beyond us.
The Lord replied, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest”. – Exodus 33:14
By being receptive and obedient to God’s instructions and not choosing our own ways
God’s instructions usher us into rest. We sacrifice godly rest when we choose to disobey God
Today, if only you would hear his voice, do not harden your heart as you did at Meribah, as you did at Massah in the wilderness, where your ancestors tested me, they tried me, though they had seen what I did.
Now that you know what Rest is, why we need God’s rest and how to access God’s rest, let’s seal our knowledge in prayer as we decide to do follow God’s prescription for rest.
Are you burdened? Have you done all without any result? Are you tired of trying? You need rest, that which God only can give.
10 prayer points to launch you into God’s rest
- Thank you, Lord for your goodness and faithfulness in my life and family in spite of my unfaithfulness
- Forgive me Lord for placing my trust in men and in things that are unable to give rest.
- Forgive me Lord for trusting in my abilities, strength, wisdom, connection and effort.
- Lord Jesus, have mercy on me and forgive me for all forms of disobedience to your will.
- Father God, redirect me from all paths or decisions that attract your anger and wrath
- Lord, I acknowledge that without you I can do nothing. All that I am, all that I have, all that I aspire to be, and all I aspire to own can only come from you and through you. i leverage your help helper of the descendants of Abraham,
- My Lord and God give me an unquenchable zeal for your presence and deliver me from all that seeks to turn me away from you
- God of the easy yoke and light burden, I lay my labour and heavy burden at your feet, show me the path to rest in all troubled aspects of my life
- My father and my God, deliver me from the false rest (vanity) that the world gives and launch me into the true rest that you give in Jesus name.
- In Jesus name, Lord detach me from ungodly attachments that steal the rest of men
Thank you Lord for answering these prayers in Jesus name.
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God gives true rest, the kind of rest that we should all desire. I ask for the grace to be obedient to his words and to dwell in his presence so I can enjoy his full rest. I pray that the hearts of men be drawn to God so everyone can truly enjoy the rest that God gives, that the world cannot give in Jesus name.
Thank You Ronke for this wonderful word. God will continue to bless you with more knowledge.
Rest is truly of God ,and he gives to whoever believes and obedient to his words.He gave Solomon rest during his reign, until he rebelled against God through disobedience by marriage to foreign women who changed his heart to other gods apart from the true God.As children not God who need the true rest from God ,we need to focus on him who is able to give true rest that the world cannot give
You are right. May the Lord help us to to remain in his rest