10 prayer points for glory liberation - January, 2025

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Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.
— Isaiah 60:1-2

Glory means so many things to Christians today that in attempting to just carry on talking about glory without specifying what glory means might lead to misundersanding. So many bible verses talk about glory and attest to the truth that God possesses glory, man  possesses glory and the elements have glory. To some, glory means success and achievements. To others it means honour or even splendour.


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Glory is the visible and weighty manifestation of the inexhaustible splendour of God in the life of a man. It affords him the ability to be a god and live like one. It amplifies his effort making him appear better, more knowledgeable and more favoured than others. It is the person of God made manifest in the affairs of men in unexplainable form. It has no formular, recipe or body of knowledge.

According to Isaiah 60: 1 

  • Glory requires rising – there can be no glory without rising 
  • Glory requires light – without light there can be no glory 
  • Glory leads to shining or visibility 

Without Christ- the light of the world, there can be no glory. No wonder we are also called the light of the world. 

You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood a hoky natoon called to show forth the praises of him who has called us out of darkness into his marvellous light.(1Peter2:9). There is a call upon all mankind to shine or remain in obscurity, darkness, smallness, stagnancy or mediocrity. Because we are created in his image and likeness, we are carriers of glory because he is the king of glory, fatber of lights in whom.is no variableness nor shadow of turning.

Even though there is a call to shine, every individual has the responsibility to heed the call or ignore it. To heed the call, you need to

  • confess and accept Jesus as your lord and saviour.
  • Partner with the Holyspirit for sanctification and strenthening to live like a living sacrifice.
  • commit to good works by pleasing god in all things (Matthew 5:16)

Prayer for glory liberation

Today, we choose to heed the call to the liberation of our glory. As we pray oh Lord liberate my glory. 

  1. King of glory I thank you for your mercy and faithfulness over my life and all tou have blessed me with.
  2. Thank you for the privilege of being created in your image and likeness and the the opportunity to shine in your glory.
  3. Father forgive me for every ignorance I have demonstrated in time past by refusing to heed the call to shine in your glory.
  4. I receive the strength of God to arise out of all that has held me down and hindered my glory from shininģ in Jesus name.
  5. Light of the of the world flood my life  with great intensity and dispel all that represents darkness in me in Jesus name.
  6. Every power that has vowed that my glory will not shine be silenced forever in Jesus nam
  7. Every power that has concluded that my glory will not shine be disempowered in Jesus name
  8. Powers that cause men to stumble and fall to prevent their glory from shinning  be destroyed in Jesus name.
  9. Powers that cause men to abandon their glory for mediocrity or settle for less, fire of God destroy them 
  10. My glory the time for you to shine is now. Jesus has risen over you. Shine unhindered, shine unlimited in Jesus name.
  11. I am a city set on a hill, I cannot be hidden. My glory receive visibility in Jesus name.
  12. David had to be heard and seen by King Saul to get a chance to face Goliath in battle and defeat him for gis glory to shine. Oh Lord let me be seen and heard by thoze who hold the key to the platform I need for my glory to shine in Jesus name 
  13. I receive grace to live a life of consecration that will give my glory room to shine in Jesus name  

Are you from Nigeria, Ghana, USA, UK, Canada etc? This "10 prayer points for glory liberation" will help you learn, grow, and become a deliberate Christian before God.


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