20 Prayer points for divine breakthrough for faithful Christians

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God is a spirit. When we cry to him for help, he sets his divine providence into motion, ensuring that man, processes, systems, elements, time , season and his divine will work together to deliver our request in accordance with his will.

While going through challenges, it appears as though God is far or unwilling to help, but it is never the case.

He is working behind the scenes, monitoring and aligning all sides of our requests to the minutest detail, to deliver answers to us. When we receive what we request from God, He is glorified.

After enduring the turbulent times and trusting in God’s faithfulness, the devil sometimes attacks the answers to prayers at the point of recommendation by causing the one who prayed to lose faith in God or to cause men who have been assigned a role in the fulfilment of the request to change their minds or misbehave.  

That is why a Christian must never be slack in prayers.

The Bible says in Luke 18:1 “men always ought to pray and not faint”. Wherever you are on your journey to delivery, God will step in and cause all that concerns your  request to favour you in Jesus name

If God favoured Joseph, Esther and Daniel, He will surely favour you in Jesus name.

Feed your spirit man with bible -based faith boosting and encouraging posts in our blog. Please note that all that is in God are for his children only. If you have not given your life to Christ, now is a good time to become a part of the family. 

Become a member of God’s family to enjoy divine breakthrough and recommendation

Lord Jesus I acknowledge my sinful life and your death on the cross for my sins. I believe you died and rose again. Be my Lord and saviour. Teach me your your ways and help me to please you in all things in Jesus name.

The next step after giving your life to Christ is to be shown around your new family and learn about the family culture. The Deliberate Christian Prayer Chain is a community of Christians who are dedicated to spiritual growth. We would love to teach you and hold your hand on your growth journey. Join the Deliberate Christian prayer Chain

  1. Thank you Lord for your mercies and faithfulness over me and all that you have blessed me with
  2. Thank you Lord for being mindful of me, and delivering your great plans for my life
  3. Lord forgive me for all unrighteousness and cleanse me with your blood.
  4. Holyspirit empower and inspire me to pray and breakthrough in Jesus name
  5. Holyghost fire consume all contrary forces and powers  that hinder prayers and hold back answers in Jesus name.
  6. God of divine timing and season, I receive grace to wait on you  and do all things in alignment with your set time for my breakthrough. I will not be hasty or too sluggish  in Jesus name
  7. Help of the helpless by divine arrangement, cause men, time, season, elements, systems, protocols and processes to work in my favour for divine recommendation in Jesus name
  8. Oh God of Elijah, release your consuming fire upon all satanic altars that work against my divine recommendation. In Jesus name.
  9. I reject all satanic counsel that cause men to reject divine recommendation in Jesus name
  10. By the authority in the name of Jesus, I destroy all satanic manipulations that cause men to fail or misbehave at the point of their recommendation.
  11. Demonic occupiers at the point of recommendation, I refuse to be  your victim in Jesus name
  12. Every divinely appointed  recommender that has forgotten me, Lord cause them to remember me in Jesus name
  13. My open door shall not be stolen by replacements in Jesus name.
  14. Oh Lord blind and silence all household monitoring spirits that steal, kill and destroy divine breakthrough and recommendation  in Jesus name.
  15. Holyspirit empower me with the right words, the tenacity and the boldness to breakthrough my open door for divine recommendation in Jesus name
  16. I rebuke the spirit of discouragement at the edge of breakthrough and recommendation in Jesus name
  17. My body, spirit, soul and mind shall support my breakthrough and recommendation, I will not work against self-sabotage  in Jesus name
  18. I break away from satanic friends that repel breakthrough and divine recommendation in Jesus name
  19. All the enemy means for evil shall work for my good in Jesus name.
  20. I usher in my breakthrough and divine recommendation with thanksgiving in Jesus name.

There are more life-transforming prayers in the Deliberate Christian Prayer Bank. Remember, prayer is a personal and intimate conversation with God. Feel free to modify and personalize these prayer points to reflect your own unique circumstances and needs.

We look forward to reading your testimonies. Remember to share them with us here. Have you been blessed by these prayer points, type in the comments section – I AM DIVINELY RECOMMENDED FOR BREAKTHROUGH IN JESUS NAME. Please share the prayer link with family and friends. you can also drop a prayer for Deliberate Christian in the comments section.

God loves a cheerful giver. Your giving will go a long way to help us reach more souls for Christ.

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