How to overcome Fear and Uncertainty Through Faith: A Deliberate Christian Approach - October, 2024

How to overcome Fear and Uncertainty Through Faith: A Deliberate Christian Approach

Hello, Deliberate Christian family! Fear is one of the many emotions we deal with on a recurring basis over the course of our lives. It could be fear of uncertainty, fear of the future, fear of missing out, fear of rejection, fear of something bad happening, fear of getting hurt, fear of losing control, fear of being judged, fear of inadequacy, fear of failure and so on. Whatever type of fear it might be, God word states clearly that – God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 2:15. It is also noteworthy that fear not is written 365 times in the Bible. That means there is a fear not for each day of our lives.

People who experienced fear in the Bible

Several characters in the Bible experienced and expressed fear. Moses was fearful when God asked him to go speak to Pharaoh about the deliverance of the Israelites, Gideon was fearful about delivering the Israelites, David was fearful when Saul was after his life, Elijah was fearful when Jezebel was after his life, Peter denied Jesus thee times because he was fearful. Despite being fearful at some points in their journeys, these Bible characters are heroes of faith because they overcame their fears with faith.


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How do you handle life’s uncertainties and fear?

Recently, I’ve found myself in the middle of making some important career decisions, waiting on God for His direction. I’ve been deliberate about ensuring that every step I take aligns with His will. After all, our lives are meant to glorify God in every aspect—career included.

However, even as we strive to walk within God’s plan, it’s natural to experience fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. These emotions tend to creep in when we face big decisions, and the weight of “What if I’m wrong?” can be overwhelming.

But here’s the truth: Fear is an emotional response that we will have to confront over the course of our lives. It’s how we handle that fear that makes the difference. Instead of letting fear control us, we need to hand it over to God. He tells us to cast our cares on Him, to trust Him fully with our lives—especially in moments of uncertainty.

One of the most important ways to know you’re on the right track is through peace. God’s peace acts as a confirmation that your decisions are aligned with His will. Even in the face of challenges, you’ll feel an inner calm when you’re walking in God’s purpose.

During my quiet time today, I was reminded of the best way to deal with uncertainties and fear: Don’t let negative thoughts overtake your day. When fear or anxiety starts to weigh down your heart, stop and remember that God, the source of all peace, is always with you.

How do we experience the peace of God in the midst of fear? By drawing near to God, not just in prayer but in action. Living a life that honors Him invites His peace into every corner of our existence. It’s not enough to just know His will—we need to do it. And in doing so, we unleash His peace in our lives.

So, if you’re facing uncertainty today—whether it’s in your career, relationships, or personal life—remember to seek God’s will deliberately. Trust Him with your fears, and He will fill you with His perfect peace.

Key Takeaways:

  • Fear and uncertainty are natural, but we are called to trust God with our anxieties.
  • God’s peace is a sign that you’re walking in His will.
  • Aligning your life with God’s purpose brings both direction and calm, even during tough decisions.

Let’s continue walking this journey together, deliberately seeking God in every step we take.

Join the Conversation

Have you ever faced a moment as a Christian when your faith gave you the strength to conquer fear? Those times when your faith pushes you forward, even when fear is whispering in your ear, are powerful reminders of how God works in our lives. I’d love to hear your thoughts or experiences—feel free to drop a comment or ask a question below!

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This post was written by Deliberate Christian Tolulope Adebayo and edited by Dunmininu Makoyawo for the Deliberate Christian. Reach out to us if your would like to submit an article.

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