Prayer: God’s Plan and purpose shall come to pass in my life - October, 2024


No child of God was created to figure out what or how their life should be. The purpose and plan for every life were strategically crafted by God even before we were formed in our mothers’ wombs.  

This notwithstanding, many still grapple with living a purposeful life. Some never discover their purpose, some have an idea of what their purpose is and give in to manipulation and human wisdom to achieve it. In doing so, they end up missing out. Some live a purposeful life for a while and are lured out of it by satanic deception.  


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The truth remains that there can be no purposeful life without the author of purpose – Christ. Purposeful living starts with surrendering our lives to Christ and choosing to live in his will throughout our lifetime.  A sinful life is tantamount to self-sabotage. It is the easiest way to work yourself out of God’s plan and purpose.

God’s plans culminate in his purpose, and he has emphasized in his word that his plans are good. His good plans for us are a threat to the devil. He, therefore, fights the good plans by stealing, killing and destroying. Any Christian who wants God’s plans and purpose for their lives to come to pass must be ready to take hold of the victory God has promised us through his word. We are to fight for God’s plans and purposes on our knees if we do not want them to remain verses in the Bible and not our reality.

All that is in God is for his children. The prayer of a sinner is an abomination to God. Make a firm decision to surrender your life to Christ today. It is the most important decision anyone can make in a lifetime.

Say this prayer to become a member of God’s family

Lord Jesus, I acknowledge my sinful life and your death on the cross for my sins. I believe you died and rose again. Be my Lord and saviour. Teach me your ways and help me to please you in all things in Jesus name.

The next step after giving your life to Christ is to be shown around your new family and learn about the family culture. The Deliberate Christian Prayer Chain is a community of Christians who are dedicated to spiritual growth. We would love to teach you and hold your hand on your growth journey. Join the Deliberate Christian prayer Chain

Prayer for God’s Plans and purpose to be fulfilled in your life

  • Thank you Lord for good plans for my life, plans to prosper me and give me an expected end
  • Thank you Lord for your investment for the fulfilment of my destiny. You gave your life by dying a painful death on the cross.
  • Father forgive me for all unrighteousness that can stand against my prayers tonight. Cleanse my heart, my hands and my soul.
  • Holyspirit help my weakness and give me the right words to pray. Help me to breakthrough all limitations and access the throne of mercy in Jesus name
  • Adam and Eve were kicked out of Eden by the serpent’s deception. Lord deliver me from every spirit of deception that lures men out of God’s plan and purpose in Jesus name
  • God’s plan was to rescue as many people as obeyed Noah and entered the ark, but they disobeyed. Oh Lord help me to love you more, that I might obey you in all things for your plans and purpose to be fulfilled in my life. (Take Counsel together and it shall come to nought, speak the word and it shall not stand for God is with us – Isaiah 8:10)
  • Every evil counsel against God’s plan and purpose for my life, family, business, ministry, career, health fail in Jesus name   
  • As the conspiracy of Joseph’s brothers failed over God’s plan and purpose  for him, every conspiracy against God’s good plan and purpose for my life, fail in Jesus name
  • Saul ruined God’s plan for his life by being hasty and listening to the voice of men instead of the voice of God, I pray the spirit of patience and fear of the Lord upon my life for the fulfilment of God’s plan and purpose in Jesus name.
  • Every household behavioural pattern that counters God’s plan and purpose, be destroyed  in my life in Jesus name
  • I break away from every ungodly association programmed in my life to derail me from fulfilling my God-given purpose in Jesus name
  • Oh Lord send your consuming fire to consume every spirit of delay and denial working against God’s plan and purpose for my life in Jesus name
  • Oh Lord my father, send me destiny helpers that will help me to fulfill my purpose in Jesus name.
  • Thank you Lord because by your grace all things are working together for my good and I shall fulfill my God-given purpose in Jesus name

There are more life-transforming prayers in the Deliberate Christian Prayer Bank. We look forward to reading your testimonies. If you believe God has heard you, type God’s plan and purpose for my life shall be fulfilled in Jesus name in the comments section below. Please share the prayer link with family and friends. You can also drop a prayer for Deliberate Christian in the comments section.

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Are you from Nigeria, Ghana, USA, UK, Canada etc? This "Prayer: God’s Plan and purpose shall come to pass in my life" will help you learn, grow, and become a deliberate Christian before God.


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One thought on “Prayer: God’s Plan and purpose shall come to pass in my life - October, 2024

  1. Thank you for this timely prayer,, fulfilling God’s purpose is doing God’s will, without that the existence of man is in vain. The Lord shall answer everyone of us in Jesus name.

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