3 practical ways to handle able, available but disloyal church workers - February, 2025

The work of ministry requires not just grace, but also able, available and loyal co-workers. In most cases, you would find
Able, unavailable and disloyal workers
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Able, unavailable and loyal workers
Able, available and disloyal workers
Disable, available and loyal workers
Disable, unavailable and loyal workers
Disable, available and disloyal workers
Disable, unavailable and disloyal workers
It is the responsibility of the church or ministry leader to nurture these diverse categories of workers under the guidance of the Holyspirit to find able, available and loyal co-workers because the work of ministry can not be done alone.
Worthy of note, however, is the fact that not all will submit to being nurtured. A leader must also know when to exercise caution, as the work of ministry has to be done with a willing heart for it to be acceptable before God.
For practical ways of carrying out this important aspect of ministry, we learn from the ministerial admonition of Bishop Wisdom Irabor of the Answers Assembly, Warri, Nigeria.
The bible says many are called few are chosen. Of the many souls that are groomed in a ministry, a leader would expect to find able, available and loyal workers, but this is usually not the case.
Bishop Irabor shares 3 ways to handle church workers who are able and available, but disloyal.
Loyalty means faithfulness, support or allegiance to a person, a cause or an organisation. Loyalty is demonstrated in the absence or presence of the object of loyalty.
It is a state of being trustworthy to live, enforce, defend, commit to and uphold the values that a person, cause or organisation stands for.
Disloyalty in ministry has been in existence since the days of our Lord Jesus. Judas betrayed Jesus and Sion Peter denied him thrice.
According to Bishop Irabor,, most people are qualified for ordination by their ability to minister and their availability to serve but are disqualified by their attitude in matters of loyalty.
1. Never you ordain them, they will give you the problem their ability and availability can’t handle. Ordination is not only a license to operate, it can also become a license to misbehave and cause damage to a church.
with disloyalty comes disregard for leadership and the labour
2. Allow them to serve with close supervision in places where their disloyalty to you won’t cause you any damage or stress you. This is because they are able and available but not loyal.
Because there are cases where we have those that are loyal but not able. But if God wants to give a leader rest, he will give him a worker with both qualities.
3. Use them to teach the subject of loyalty and faithfulness also. Let’s see how they will be teaching it regularly and not practice it. Those who are loyal should teach it for impartation to others.
Those who are disloyal should teach it as a weapon against themselves. This is needed if you don’t want to confront him directly or after you have confronted him without any success.
Are you a ministry leader? share other ways you have been handling able, available and disloyal church workers?
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Are you from Nigeria, Ghana, USA, UK, Canada etc? This "3 practical ways to handle able, available but disloyal church workers" will help you learn, grow, and become a deliberate Christian before God.
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