No Shortcut to greatness, Minister GUC advises young believers - October, 2024


Eezee Music Concept artist, Minister GUC (real names Gift Ugochi Christopher) advises young believers to avoid taking the shortcut to greatness in his latest series of messages titled – Dear Young Believer Like Me #DearYoungBelieverLikeMe

GUC warns against the youthful desire to get things done the microwave (easier, faster) way which often leads to derailment. He emphasizes that God is a God of the means and the end, and anyone who chooses to follow his path will enjoy lasting greatness.


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Minister GUC says

If your focus Is on Jesus and Him being glorified, If your gaze is on the advancement of God’s kingdom which can not happen without His help, you won’t be “toooooo” desperate to announce yourself or the ministry you have been given.

Being overly ambitious and desperate for visibility to the detriment of God’s voice is a red flag you need to work on now.

Let your pursuit for wanting relationships, platforms, and honours be to the advancement of God’s kingdom by His leading.

Calm down and seek God’s face, help, and lead.

There is a limit to which you can push yourself as a believer, but when God does it, it becomes honourable and lasting.

Go through your process and allow God’s work to be met in your life.

God works through the channels of process and time, and if you skip it you may gain temporal accolades but lose the weight of true relevance and impact in your generation. We must learn the ways of the fathers and how patiently they waited for what has lasted and impacted.

Our hearts must be pure and our intentions fixed on pleasing Jesus more than any pursuit.

We must be wise and Discerning, contented and zestful as much as we are passionate, and driven.

Minister GUC
Minister GUC

The pressure to run faster than God is often a function of the company we keep. Would you like to have true Christian friends who would encourage you to pursue the things of God and grow? Click the button below to Join the Deliberate Christian Prayer Chain. We study the word, pray, and support each other as we do life in God

He further admonishes young believers to wait on God’s time and process. He says ” You need to understand that there are no shortcuts to greatness. There is no amount of ‘magomago’ (nigerian slang for cutting corners), amount of lobbying, amount of trying to tag along that will take you where God wants to take you. What God has for you is honourable, and what God has for you lasts. When you do these things with your hands and try to play pranks, and you know cut corners, they will not last and they will not satisfy. You need to understand that process to God, is golden. God honours process and God honours track record. If you don’t have a track record for service, track record for honour, sacrifice and all that, forget success, forget greatness. You need to understand that God expects us to follow the precepts he has laid in the scriptures. God expects us to honour track record and he expects us to be patient. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your step, he will direct your path. A lot of us are trying to take the wheel, a lot of us are trying to do it by ourselves. A lot of us are in front and God is behind. That is not the way to go as yound believers, as Christians who understand the systems and precepts of God, you need to understand that God honours track record and he expects you to be patient. we don’t know our way, we don’t know our left or right, it is only God that directs. He is in us both to will and to do of his good pleasures. Be patient, follow the process, serve the Lord, honour people and do the things that are laid down in scriptures, and wait for God to honour you the way he wants to honour you. He alone can take your name to the nations. You cant do it by yourself. No amount of promotions can do it. If God is not in it, it cannot last. If God is not in it, it cannot satisfy. Understand this, find peace and your life will never remain the same again. Stay blessed and keep loving Jesus.”

Deliberate Christian Introspection

  • Are you running faster than God?
  • Is God too slow for you?
  • Do you think time is running out because your peers have gone ahead of you?

Deliberate Christian Prayer

Lord, I commit my ways to you. Help me to trust you for every detail of my life. In every way I have run ahead of you, help me to retrace my steps back to you. Help me to patiently allow you to work in me, till you launch me into greatness in Jesus name.

See more Prayer points in the Deliberate Christian Prayer Bank

10 Prayer points to launch you into God’s rest

15 Powerful prayers for the answer of peace

What are your thoughts on Minister GUC’s advice? Do you think young believers are cutting corners to greatness? Please drop a comment in the comments section.

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