Prayer for wisdom in times of adversity - February, 2025

woman, solitude, sadness

In the time of adversity, one of the things we need so dearly but seldom love is truth. Our eyes are clouded by the pain of our circumstances, and our hearts only embrace that which can alleviate our circumstances.

Sadly, only the truth can set us free.


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Many stay longer than required in seasons of trials and tribulations because they wallow in self-pity and are surrounded by guests of their pity party.

Christ never said our lives in him will be all feasting and rejoicing, he said there will be trials and tribulations, but we are also assured that it is okay to be cheerful because He has overcome the world.

These prayers, when offered in faith, will cause God to grant us the spirit of wisdom in times of adversity. Please ensure that you mention the specific adversity you are going through while praying. God requires that our requests are specific

  1.  Thank you Lord because you are always with me in good and bad times. You are my Emmanuel, my ever-present help
  2. Thank you Lord for your assurance of victory over present and future adversity
  3. Forgive me Lord for the times I have thought you have abandoned me
  4. Forgive me Lord for entertaining thoughts that you are unable to save or help me
  5. Forgive me Lord for seeking quick fixes and help in wrong places
  6. Forgive me Lord for resigning to fate instead of pressing on in faith
  7. Lord, I return to you, acknowledging that you are my saviour, teacher in times of adversity and rescuer
  8. Lord, I believe that you work all things out for my good and this current adversity(mention the difficult or unpleasant circumstance you are going through) will not be an exception
  9. Lord, I receive grace to be patient and joyful in adversity in Jesus name
  10. Lord, I receive illumination to see the other side of the adversity I am passing through, that I may come to an understanding that you are on my side and working for my good.
  11. Over the course of this adversity, my strength shall be continually renewed and my faith shall not fail in Jesus name
  12. I release this current adversity for God’s use, I will be still and know you are God.
  13. By the power of God’s grace, I receive the blessing God has promised those who patiently endure adversity
  14. This adversity will not rob me of the wonderful joy that is ahead of me in Jesus name
  15. Thank the Lord that the adversity will not make you a victim but a victor
  16. Thank the Lord for granting you the wisdom that makes adversity profitable to your spiritual walk.

Are you from Nigeria, Ghana, USA, UK, Canada etc? This "Prayer for wisdom in times of adversity" will help you learn, grow, and become a deliberate Christian before God.


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