I take back abundant life - October, 2024

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God’s unequivocal promise to us is that he has come to give us a life that differs from what the devil offers. According to John 10:10 Jesus says ”The thief comes only to steal, and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”. The devil takes away abundant life through theft, murder and destruction. He does this by stealing joy, health, opportunities, advancement, unity, glory and lots more. This shows that any aspect of our lives where we are having anything short of what God has promised, which is abundant life, has been broken into by the devil.

All hope is not lost. Our God is able to undo and destroy the works of the devil in all aspects of our lives. The Bible Says, For this reason, was the son of God manifest, that he may destroy the works of the devil (1John3:8)


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All that is in God is for his children. The prayer of a sinner is an abomination to God. Make a firm decision to surrender your life to Christ today. It is the most important decision anyone can make in a lifetime.

The Deliberate Christian YouTube Channel has a Playlist dedicated to men. It is called MANUAL. Click here. You would be glad you did

Say this prayer to become a member of God’s family

Lord Jesus, I acknowledge my sinful life and your death on the cross for my sins. I believe you died and rose again. Be my Lord and saviour. Teach me your ways and help me to please you in all things in Jesus name.

The next step after giving your life to Christ is to be shown around your new family and learn about the family culture. The Deliberate Christian Prayer Chain is a community of Christians who are dedicated to spiritual growth. We would love to teach you and hold your hand on your growth journey. Join the Deliberate Christian prayer Chain

  • Thank you Lord the giver of abundant life. Thank you loving me, for giving up your life that I may have life
  • Thank you Lord that inspite of the activities of the devil and his cohorts you have made me victorious in all aspects of life
  • Father forgive me for every way I have dishonoured your sacrifice by the way I chose to live my life
  • Holyspirit teach me to pray and receive your help for every area of weakness in Jesus name
  • Lord, in you is life and the life is the light of mankind. Light of mankind, light up my life , do not let the darkness of the world cover my life (John 1:4)
  • Lord you are the way, truth and life, Lead me by your truth to the right path where I will experience the abundant life you have promised in Jesus name (John 14:6) By your truth, lead me to the right path in my business, career, marriage, finances, parenting , health, relationships and in my walk with you
  • I yield all aspects of my life to you in total surrender that I might experience abundant life in them in Jesus name
  • I command abundant life in my health, All that the devil has stolen, killed and destroyed in my health be restored .
  • I command abundant life in my marriage, all that the devil has stolen, killed and destroyed in my marriage be restored in Jesus name
  • I command abundant life in my business/ career, all that the devil has stolen, killed and destroyed in my career be restored in Jesus name
  • I shut all channels  I knowingly or unknowingly open to the activities of the devil in my life in Jesus name.
  • I break the hold of all ancestral curses that deny me abundant life in Christ in Jesus name
  • Thank you Lord for answered prayers.

There are more life-transforming prayers in the Deliberate Christian Prayer Bank. We look forward to reading your testimonies. If you believe God has heard you, type I am living the abundant life that Christ promised in the comments section below. Please share the prayer link with family and friends. You can also drop a prayer for Deliberate Christian in the comments section.

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